Privacy Policy

Giv Social Privacy Policy

At Giv Social, we prioritize the privacy and security of our users. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we collect, how it is used, and the steps we take to ensure your personal information is handled with care and respect.

Information Collection

We collect information to provide better services to all our users. The types of information we collect include:

- Personal information you provide when you create an account, such as your name, email address, and payment information.

- Content you create, upload, or receive from others when using our services, including messages, comments, and videos.

- Information about your device and the network you use to connect to our services, including IP address, device type, operating system, and browser type.

Use of Information

The information we collect is used to provide, maintain, protect, and improve our services, as well as to develop new ones. This includes using data to personalize your Giv Social experience and to protect Giv Social and our users.

Sharing of Information

Giv Social does not sell any personal information to third parties. We share personal information with companies, organizations, or individuals outside of Giv Social only in the following circumstances:

- With your consent. We will share personal information with companies, organizations, or individuals when we have your explicit consent to do so.

- For legal reasons. We will share personal information with companies, organizations, or individuals if we have a good-faith belief that access, use, preservation, or disclosure of the information is reasonably necessary to meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or enforceable governmental request.


We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of our users. We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you enter, submit, or access your personal information.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will post any privacy policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice (including, for certain services, email notification of privacy policy changes).